Fantasy Map Forge is currently under construction but stay tuned for upcoming maps!

Welcome to Fantasy Map Forge

Maps for all your gaming encounters!

Having a great map is an important part of the gaming experience and can make a good session great. With the integration of screen formats in role playing games, it is now easier than ever to incorporate a map that details the location of your parties encounters and travels. With battle maps, keeps, taverns, small local encounter maps and entire regional maps, Fantasy Map Forge wants to help bring your adventures to the next level!

Made with

Cities, towns and villages are an excellent backdrop for presenting immersive adventure scenarios as they dot the countryside. Fantasy Map Forge has designed entire kingdoms, regions, major cities, towns, villages, ruins, local battle maps, and all manner of areas of interest. These map settings can easily fit into any campaign you might have or be used in a one-shot game night. These maps are ready for you to detail their residents, politics, myths, and legends. Let your imagination loose to create some fantastic gaming memories for you and your players!

Massive cities provide an excellent atmosphere for DM's and Game Masters, with hundreds or thousands of denizens residing within. However, smaller towns and villages can also be an excellent backdrop for an immersive story or challenging quest. Offering a more intimate climate for player characters to meet the locals and possibly embark on a local mission. You can fill your towns and villages with heroes, villains, and mystery.

Villages and Hamlets
Lonesome Crow Detail

Filling each city or town are a multitude of buildings such as the hearty tavern where your player characters can dine upon the local fare, wet their whistle with a cool dark ale, listen to the bards, and put their ears to the ground to hear local rumors and intrigue. Perhaps a they need to stop at a local merchants shop to gather supplies for their next quest or stumble across a lone cottage in the wilds occupied by a hermit mage. Supplying them with an encounter map will help them get a feel for the experience and assist in strategizing their next move.